Abridged Life Story

My story begins back when I was a teenager watching Michael Johnson in the 1996 Olympic Games. Like most teenagers, I was excited to watch new world records set by some of the greatest athletes in the world. But what mesmerized me was not the gold medals…

It was the pure potential of the human body.

(Kind of nerdy, I know).

Since that time, I’ve spent the majority of my life searching for ways to optimize how our bodies function – not exactly what they teach in medical school.

This means I had to search for answers across many disciplines. I’ve worked as an athletic trainer, studied advanced clinical nutrition, researched and published on dietary supplements, and mastered the art of cooking.

And all these things have resulted in some pretty incredible experiences along the way, like lecturing alongside my mentor Dr. Andrew Weil and traveling the world as an elite-level athlete.

Of course, this journey was never about optimizing my performance alone. It was about empowering others to do the same for themselves.

Abridged Life Story

In my previous NP life, I worked in conventional cardiology for almost 20 years. I love all the intricacies of the heart and find it fascinating, however the more I learned about the heart the more I learned that the root cause of cardiovascular disease is inflammation; and by changing diet and lifestyle much of cardiovascular disease can be prevented. This launched my journey into Functional Medicine. I began studying and learning all I could about nutrition, lifestyle, exercise, and Functional Medicine. After learning and applying functional medicine principles with my patients I felt that for the first time in my career I was truly able to help people heal, rather than just offering “a pill for every ill.”

On a personal level, I have had my own health struggles where conventional medicine offers no options. I have also struggled with my weight my entire life. Using functional medicine I have been able to manage and reverse my symptoms and finally start to lose weight.

I resonate with the mission and values of VYVE and I strive to bring the best to each person. I am passionate about using my knowledge and experience to empower people to push past their barriers to reach their full potential and their health goals.

Abridged Life Story

My life motto has always been to “Be the change you wish to see” and that nothing in this world is out of reach. Growing up, I watched my mom put herself through nursing school and then on to become the Director of Operations for a rehabilitation center. I knew I always wanted to follow in those footsteps, and I did just that, minus the nursing part. (Although I like to pretend)

I started my career as a medical aesthetician but soon realized I wanted to pursue a career in medical administration. Throughout my career, I’ve been in different medical settings such as cardiology, plastic surgery, and dermatology but ultimately found myself with VYVE Wellness and could not be happier. Seeing the changes Integrative and Functional medicine can make in a patient’s life has been incredible to witness firsthand. At VYVE, we truly are the change we wish to see, and I could not be more proud to be a part of this mission.

Abridged Life Story

My parents would always say that I’d be the one to take care of them when they were older. Not that my two siblings wouldn’t, but I clearly established my skills as the superior “caretaker” at a young age.

It brings me great joy to care for others. At age 13, I became a trail ride tour guide. Helping people interact with horses and experiencing their happiness made me feel good. At 30, I faced the balancing act of being blessed with my son and type 1 diabetes. Both were difficult challenges to take on. Being a mother has been the greatest and toughest role I’ve ever had. Topping it off with an autoimmune disease hasn’t been easy. Diabetes didn’t make me feel good – mentally or physically.

After tapping out on insulin and undergoing tiring highs and lows, I tried integrative/functional medicine. I also researched ways to adjust my diet. With weekly nutrient infusions and balanced meals, I could slowly reduce my insulin intake to zero. An added bonus: I lost weight and am now healthier both mentally and physically.

Caring for others has always been my purpose – but now it’s my passion. I’m most passionate about helping people do what I’ve been able to do: Improve overall health and wellness

Abridged Life Story

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been passionate about wellness and how the body heals from various ailments and issues. I’m fascinated by the complexity of the human body. It can be like a well-oiled machine and do amazing things if it is given the right nutrients with the right environmental factors. When I started at VYVE, I knew that I was surrounded by like-minded professionals, which gave me the confidence to believe in the vision of VYVE even more.

Coming from a fitness background, I have been a personal trainer and competed and placed in multiple bodybuilding competitions. It was that period of my life that led me to dive deep into the importance of having a balanced life and holistic nutrition
Before VYVE, I had a background in oncology nursing; however, I’ve worked with groups of people from all backgrounds. One of my favorite things about VYVE is the diversity of people that come in through the door, and I love meeting new patients!

Abridged Life Story

Growing up in Southern California, I embraced an active lifestyle from a young age, starting swimming at five years old. This early passion not only fostered my love for athleticism but also ignited my fascination with the human body and mind’s resilience. My journey into healthcare was significantly influenced by my family; my grandmother’s six-decade career in nursing and education, along with my mother’s work in health science administration and fundraising, naturally drew me to this field.

While on the Women’s Swimming & Diving team at the University of Michigan, my curiosity about the mind’s impact on athletic performance led me to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Graduating during the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 gave me a unique opportunity to reflect on what my next steps in life looked like. The global crisis strengthened my commitment to helping those in need and inspired me to go back to school. Eager to make a meaningful contribution, I enrolled in an Accelerated Bachelor’s of Nursing program at Northeastern University and began my nursing career in the Emergency Department. There, I acquired a diverse skill set and extensive knowledge.

My decision to join Vyve stemmed from our shared values and a collective passion for improving people’s well-being. At Vyve, I aim to integrate my expertise and enthusiasm to enhance both physical and mental health, ensuring each patient leaves feeling better than when they arrived.

Abridged Life Story

I have always had the gift of “gab” and have never met a stranger. If I’m honest, I could carry a conversation with a brick wall 🙂 I naturally gravitated towards positions where I worked in the front office throughout high school and college.

Since graduating college, my dream job has been to work within the healthcare industry because it provides people the unique opportunity to provide care and compassion to others.

After researching integrative and functional medicine, I was drawn to the environment curated by Dr. Haas at VYVE Wellness. Through different restorative therapies, we can provide patients with a better quality of life and target specific areas of concern. I look forward to empowering patients to optimize their health alongside my team and connecting with new people who eventually become much more.

Abridged Life Story

Growing up as a kid, I always listened to my parents share stories of helping their patients daily, as my dad is a doctor and my mom a nurse. I learned a lot from them starting at a young age, and I’ve always found medicine and the human body fascinating.

I pursued my Bachelor of Science in Public Health degree in college at the University of South Carolina. After college, I gained experience working at doctors’ offices and with patients daily and gaining medical insurance experience.

From all that I’ve learned, I realized I wanted more experience working on the preventative side of medicine. I am truly excited to be a part of the VYVE team and to help every patient reach their full potential.